Mandela Rhodes Scholarship: Eligibility, Application Process, and Benefits

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is a prestigious program that provides comprehensive funding for postgraduate studies in South Africa. Established in 2003, the scholarship was named after two great leaders, Nelson Mandela and Cecil John Rhodes, who both played a significant role in shaping South Africa’s history. The scholarship is open to African citizens under the age of 30 who show exceptional leadership potential and academic prowess.

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation, which administers the scholarship, aims to build exceptional leadership capacity in Africa by providing opportunities for young leaders to further their education and develop their leadership skills. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, meals, book allowances, and a personal allowance. It also includes a leadership development program that helps scholars develop their leadership skills and become agents of change in their communities.

Since its inception, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship has awarded over 400 scholarships to young leaders from across Africa. The scholarship has contributed significantly to the development of Africa’s leadership pipeline by providing opportunities for young people to access quality education and develop their leadership potential. With the scholarship’s emphasis on character and intellect, it has produced a network of leaders who are committed to making a positive impact on their communities and the continent at large.

Overview of Mandela Rhodes Scholarship

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship program that provides comprehensive funding for African citizens under the age of 30 to pursue their postgraduate studies in South Africa. The scholarship is awarded by the Mandela Rhodes Foundation, a non-profit organization that was established in 2003 with the aim of building exceptional leadership capacity in Africa.

The scholarship covers the core costs associated with the studies, including tuition fees, accommodation, and a living stipend. The scholarship is available for a one-year Honours degree or a two-year Masters degree in any field at a recognized South African institution of higher education.

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is much more than just financial support for studies. It is a unique opportunity for young leaders from anywhere on the African continent to further their education in South Africa. The scholarship program is designed to develop leadership skills, promote academic excellence, and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship and social responsibility.

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation believes that education is the key to unlocking the potential of young leaders in Africa. The scholarship program is therefore designed to provide the necessary resources and support to enable these young leaders to realize their full potential and make a positive impact in their communities.

In addition to financial support, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship provides a range of other benefits, including leadership development workshops, mentorship, and networking opportunities. The scholarship program is highly competitive, and only a limited number of scholarships are awarded each year.

Overall, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for young African leaders to further their education, develop their leadership skills, and make a positive impact in their communities.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship, applicants must meet a set of eligibility criteria. These criteria are designed to ensure that the scholarship is awarded to the most deserving candidates who have the potential to become future leaders in Africa.

Firstly, applicants must be citizens of any African country. This means that applicants must hold a valid passport from an African country and have been born in Africa. It is important to note that the scholarship is not limited to South African citizens.

Secondly, applicants must be under the age of 30 at the time of application. This means that applicants must have been born after 1st April 1993. This age limit is in place to ensure that the scholarship is awarded to young people who have the potential to make a significant impact in their communities and countries.

Thirdly, applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution of higher learning. This degree must have been completed with a minimum of a 70% average. Applicants who are in their final year of undergraduate study may also apply, provided that they will have completed their degree before the start of the scholarship.

Finally, applicants must be accepted into a full-time Honours or Master’s degree program at a recognized South African institution of higher learning. The scholarship covers the tuition fees for a one-year Honours degree or a two-year Master’s degree in any field of study.

In summary, to be eligible for the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship, applicants must be African citizens under the age of 30, have completed an undergraduate degree with a minimum of a 70% average, and be accepted into a full-time Honours or Master’s degree program at a recognized South African institution of higher learning.

Financial Support

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship offers comprehensive financial support to its recipients. The scholarship covers tuition for a one-year Honours degree or a two-year Masters degree in any field at a recognized South African institution of higher education. This financial support includes registration fees, study materials, and economy class travel.

In addition to tuition, the scholarship covers accommodation and meals for the duration of the scholarship. Recipients also receive a personal allowance to cover other expenses that may arise during their studies.

The scholarship is designed to provide young African leaders with the financial support they need to further their education and develop their leadership skills. The Mandela Rhodes Foundation believes that financial barriers should not prevent talented young Africans from accessing higher education and pursuing their dreams.

To ensure that the scholarship continues to provide comprehensive financial support, the Mandela Rhodes Foundation partners with a range of organizations and individuals who are committed to supporting African leadership development. These partners provide additional funding to the scholarship, which enables the foundation to offer more scholarships to deserving young leaders.

In conclusion, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship offers comprehensive financial support to its recipients. The scholarship covers tuition, accommodation, meals, study materials, personal allowance, registration fees, and economy class travel. The scholarship is designed to provide young African leaders with the financial support they need to further their education and develop their leadership skills.

Academic Expectations

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship program has high academic expectations for its scholars. The program offers comprehensive funding for the core costs associated with studies, including tuition for a one-year Honours degree or a two-year Masters degree in any field at a recognized South African institution of higher education. Scholars are expected to maintain high academic standards throughout their studies.

To be eligible for the scholarship, an individual must have above-average academic results, with a minimum of 70% or upper second. Recipients must study towards Honours or master’s degrees at recognized South African institutions. Scholars are also expected to engage in research and produce high-quality academic work.

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation Scholarship is a unique opportunity for young leaders from anywhere on the African continent to further their education in South Africa. The program aims to develop leaders who are committed to the four principles of Education, Reconciliation, Leadership, and Social Entrepreneurship.

Scholars are expected to be committed to academic excellence and to be active in their communities. They are expected to be responsible, disciplined, and to have a strong work ethic. Scholars are also expected to engage in extracurricular activities and community service.

In conclusion, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship program is a highly prestigious program that offers comprehensive funding for postgraduate studies in South Africa. Scholars are expected to maintain high academic standards, engage in research, and produce high-quality academic work. The program aims to develop leaders who are committed to academic excellence, community service, and social entrepreneurship.

Leadership Development Program

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship includes a compulsory Leadership Development Program that aims to develop leadership skills among the scholars. The program is delivered through a series of week-long in-person workshops with the Class of Mandela Rhodes Scholars.

The program is designed to challenge and grow the scholars, equipping them with the skills they need to become effective leaders in their respective fields. The program is delivered by experienced facilitators who use a variety of teaching methods to engage the scholars and help them develop their leadership skills.

The Leadership Development Program provides an opportunity for scholars to learn from each other, share experiences, and build meaningful relationships. The program is also an opportunity for scholars to learn from experienced leaders who are invited to speak at the workshops.

The program covers various topics, including leadership theories, communication skills, conflict resolution, and team building. The workshops are interactive and include group activities, case studies, and simulations to help scholars apply the concepts they learn.

Overall, the Leadership Development Program is an integral part of the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship, providing scholars with the skills they need to become effective leaders in their respective fields.

Impact and Transformation

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship has had a significant impact on the lives of young African leaders and the communities they serve. Through the scholarship’s leadership development program, recipients are empowered to become transformative agents of change in their respective fields and communities.

The scholarship’s transformative impact can be seen through the accomplishments of its alumni. Many have gone on to become influential leaders in their fields, from politics and business to social activism and the arts. They have used their talents and skills to serve Africa and make a positive impact on the world.

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship also fosters a community of African changemakers. Through the program, recipients connect with other young African leaders who share their passion for making a difference. This network provides a valuable source of support, collaboration, and inspiration.

By investing in the education and leadership development of young African leaders, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is helping to shape the future of the continent. These leaders are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing global world.

In summary, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship has a profound impact on the lives of young African leaders and the communities they serve. Through its transformative leadership development program, the scholarship empowers recipients to become agents of change in their respective fields and communities. The scholarship also fosters a network of African changemakers who are working together to create a brighter future for the continent.

Application Process

To apply for the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship, candidates must first ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria. They must be citizens of any African country and between the ages of 19 and 29. Additionally, they must have obtained a first degree with above-average academic results, have demonstrated leadership potential, and be committed to making an impact in their communities and on the African continent.

Once they have confirmed their eligibility, candidates can proceed to the online application portal on the Mandela Rhodes Foundation website. They will need to create an account and provide their personal details, including their passport information, and academic transcripts. Candidates should ensure that their passport is valid for at least six months beyond the end of the scholarship period.

Candidates will also need to submit a personal essay, outlining their leadership experience, their vision for Africa, and their motivation for applying for the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship. The essay should be well-written, concise, and demonstrate the candidate’s critical thinking and analytical skills.

In addition to the personal essay, candidates will need to provide two reference letters from individuals who can attest to their leadership potential and character. These individuals could be academic advisors, employers, or community leaders.

Candidates must also ensure that their academic qualifications are recognized by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). If their qualifications are not recognized, they will need to have them evaluated by SAQA before submitting their application.

Finally, candidates must ensure that they have obtained the necessary visa to study in South Africa. The Mandela Rhodes Foundation will assist successful candidates with obtaining the necessary visa.

Role of Mandela Rhodes Foundation

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation, founded in 2003, is one of the three official legacy organizations of Nelson Mandela. The organization’s purpose is to build exceptional leadership capacity in Africa by finding, funding, and empowering young Africans who aspire to use their talents to serve their societies and the continent.

The Foundation provides scholarships to African citizens under 30 years of age for up to two years of postgraduate study at recognized South African institutions. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, meals, a personal allowance, and economy-class travel to and from the student’s home country. The scholarship program is open to all African citizens under the age of 30 years, and recipients must study towards Honours or Master’s degrees.

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation also offers leadership development opportunities to Mandela Rhodes Scholars, including workshops, seminars, and retreats. These opportunities aim to develop leadership skills, ethical reasoning, and social entrepreneurship skills.

The Foundation is a partnership between the Rhodes Trust and the Mandela Rhodes Foundation Trust. The Rhodes Trust is a British charity that administers the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship, which funds postgraduate study at the University of Oxford for students from certain countries.

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation Trust is a South African public benefit organization that manages the scholarship program and other activities of the Foundation. The Foundation is headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa.

In addition to providing scholarships and leadership development opportunities, the Mandela Rhodes Foundation also aims to foster a community of young African leaders who are committed to serving their societies and the continent. The Foundation hosts events and gatherings for Mandela Rhodes Scholars and alumni to network, collaborate, and share ideas. This community of leaders is a vital part of the Foundation’s efforts to build exceptional leadership capacity in Africa.

Personal Growth and Character

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is not just about academic excellence, but also about personal growth and character development. Scholars are challenged to develop self-awareness, courage, and leadership skills that will enable them to make a positive impact on their communities and the world.

Through a rigorous leadership development program, Mandela Rhodes Scholars are exposed to diverse perspectives and experiences that broaden their understanding of the world and themselves. They are encouraged to reflect on their values, beliefs, and biases, and to develop a deeper sense of empathy and respect for others.

The program also emphasizes the importance of character development. Scholars are encouraged to cultivate traits such as integrity, honesty, and humility, which are essential for effective leadership. They are challenged to confront their weaknesses and to develop strategies for overcoming them.

The personal growth and character development that Mandela Rhodes Scholars undergo is not just beneficial for their own lives, but also for the communities they serve. By developing self-awareness, courage, and leadership skills, scholars are better equipped to address the complex challenges facing their communities and to inspire positive change.

Overall, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is a life-changing opportunity that not only supports academic excellence but also personal growth and character development. Through the program, scholars are challenged to develop the skills and traits necessary to become effective leaders who can make a positive impact on their communities and the world.

Community and Reconciliation

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is not only a financial award but also a leadership journey that connects young African changemakers. The scholarship program aims to foster a sense of community and reconciliation among scholars, who come from diverse backgrounds and cultures across the African continent.

Through the scholarship’s leadership development program, scholars are challenged to grow their leadership skills, engage in critical dialogue, and work collaboratively to address social issues affecting their communities. The program creates a platform for scholars to build relationships, share ideas and experiences, and develop a network of support.

One of the core values of the Mandela Rhodes Foundation is reconciliation. The scholarship program recognizes the need for healing and restoration in societies that have experienced conflict and division. Scholars are encouraged to engage in dialogue and work towards building bridges between communities that have been historically divided.

The scholarship program also promotes the principle of equality. Scholars are selected based on their academic achievements, leadership potential, and commitment to making a positive impact in their communities. The program recognizes the importance of providing equal opportunities for all young Africans, regardless of their background or social status.

Furthermore, the scholarship program acknowledges the need for reparation. Scholars are encouraged to use their skills and knowledge to address the social and economic inequalities that exist in their communities. The program recognizes the historical injustices that have contributed to these inequalities and encourages scholars to work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

In conclusion, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship program is not only a financial award but also a leadership journey that aims to foster a sense of community and reconciliation among young African changemakers. The program promotes the principles of equality and reparation and encourages scholars to use their skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in their communities.

Entrepreneurship and Economy

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is not only focused on developing leaders but also on nurturing entrepreneurship and contributing to the economy. The leadership development programme includes entrepreneurship training, which helps scholars to develop the skills necessary to create and grow their own businesses.

The scholarship also provides financial support for scholars to pursue their studies in any field at a recognized South African institution of higher education. This support can contribute to the economy by creating a pool of highly skilled graduates who can contribute to the workforce and create new businesses.

In addition, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship has a network of alumni who are successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. This network provides scholars with access to mentors, investors, and business opportunities. The alumni network also facilitates collaboration among scholars and alumni, which can lead to the creation of new businesses and partnerships.

Entrepreneurship is critical to the growth and development of the African economy, and the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is playing a vital role in developing the next generation of African entrepreneurs. By nurturing entrepreneurship and providing financial support, the scholarship is contributing to the growth of the African economy and creating opportunities for young people to succeed.

Honours and Recognition

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship that offers comprehensive funding for the core costs associated with a one-year Honours degree or a two-year Masters degree in any field at a recognized South African institution of higher education. Recipients of the scholarship are African citizens under the age of 30 who have shown exceptional leadership skills, academic excellence, and a commitment to making a positive impact on their communities and the wider world.

The scholarship is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious awards for young African leaders, and Mandela Rhodes Scholars are celebrated for their exceptional achievements and contributions to society. The scholarship has a competitive presence in the academic and leadership communities, and the selection process is rigorous and highly selective. Mandela Rhodes Scholars are expected to be leaders in their fields and to make a significant impact on the world.

Honours degrees are a highly respected academic achievement in South Africa and are recognized internationally. They are awarded to students who have completed a one-year program of study that builds on their undergraduate degree and prepares them for further academic pursuits or professional careers. Honours degrees are highly specialized and require a high level of academic rigor and dedication.

Mandela Rhodes Scholars who earn an Honours degree as part of their scholarship are recognized for their exceptional academic achievements and leadership skills. They are celebrated as future leaders in their fields and are expected to make a significant impact on their communities and the wider world. The scholarship provides a platform for Scholars to build their networks, develop their skills, and pursue their passions, and the Honours degree is an important milestone in their journey towards making a positive impact on the world.


The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is a prestigious postgraduate scholarship that offers young leaders from across the African continent a chance to become part of Nelson Mandela’s legacy of transformative impact. The scholarship provides comprehensive funding for up to a maximum of two years of postgraduate study for an African citizen under 30 years of age. Recipients must study towards Honours or master’s degrees at recognized South African institutions.

The scholarship is much more than financial support for studies. It is a unique opportunity for young leaders to further their education in South Africa and participate in a life-changing leadership journey. The scholarship combines financial support with a leadership program that challenges, grows, and connects recipients to young African changemakers.

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is open to all African citizens under the age of 30 years, and the selection process is highly competitive. The scholarship is awarded based on academic excellence, leadership potential, and a commitment to making a positive difference in their communities and the world.

Recipients of the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship become part of a vibrant community of young African leaders who share a common vision of a better future for the continent. They receive mentorship, networking opportunities, and leadership training that equip them with the skills and knowledge to become effective agents of change in their communities and beyond.

In conclusion, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for young African leaders who want to further their education, develop their leadership skills, and make a positive impact in their communities and the world. The scholarship provides comprehensive funding, mentorship, and leadership training that equip recipients with the skills and knowledge to become effective agents of change.

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